This ministry is a self-supporting, non-profit, faith ministry.
Have you ever given without being asked? If you have, it’s because you are keenly connected on a deeper level than most to the cause in question and God has whispered into your ear, “If not you – who? and if not now – when?” When it comes to supporting music ministry we have learned through the years that music lovers are our supporters. People who know how music can enrich a life, and bless a crusade, or bring polish to a media program. When you look around at denominational budgets, you will never find a column in financial support of music and musicians. That’s where you come in. As musician’s we know we are a small parts of the body of Christ and its mission. Other part are far more important, such as evangelism, youth, education, etc. etc. But every part of the body of Christ should be healthy and fiscally funded. That’s where you come in! The musician, the music lover, the one with the heart of the Psalmist David who knows everything about God is better when cloaked in a song!